Bard Distillery
About Bard Distillery
Note: In Central Time Zone
(December 2020 Visit)
If you're heading out to Western Kentucky and you want to make some new friends, stop by the Bard Distillery. This is one of the more unique distilleries in Kentucky. It is being built into a 100 year old schoolhouse. In fact, the tasting room and still setup was in the gymnasium when I visited. I say "make some new friends" because the owners Tom and Kim are absolutely wonderful hosts and they are excited to show off what they are building.
Normally I give a sense of what the tour entails, but I have to admit, I just ended up having a really nice conversation with Tom about their plans. The distillery is still being built out, but they are making their own whiskey on 60 gallon pot stills. The process is something Tom and I didn't get into too much. Instead, we focused on history and what they are building. Tom's 4-times great grandfather William founded Bardstown with his brother David. William's son Isaac moved to Muhlenberg County in the 1820s and the family has lived on the same farm ever since.
As I understand it, the tour does go into this history and also the history of the schoolhouse. In a state with a lot of spit and polish, its refreshing to see two entrepreneurs building their dream. After the walk around the under construction buildings, you'll get a detailed tasting.
Take a Whisky Flight to Bard Distillery
Map to Distillery
Note: This distillery information is provided “as is” and is intended for initial research only. Be aware, offerings change without notice and distilleries periodically shut down or suspend services. Always use the distillery’s websites to get the most detailed and up-to-date information. Your due diligence will ensure the smoothest experience possible.