How To Travel Like James Bond (Ep. 9b)

After meeting Paul in the first episode, we'll now tackle those important factors that go into traveling with a coolness factor, like James Bond.
In this second episode we'll cover:
- Are you a giver or taker? And where did Paul discover the concept?
- Bradley Cooper in Limitless follows the James Bond lifestyle
- Daniel Craig breaks the rules in Spectre
- For prosperity programming, how to use a money clip
- How competing keeps you limited in your success
- The power of a $100 bill and a Starbucks card
- A gold sovereign or a $2 bill
- Sammy Davis Jr and cultural decorum
- Finding a Bond-like seat on the plane
- Business class and the extra $30
- How to dress when on the road.
- Arriving at a luxury hotel and tipping
- The valet
- Special ways to tip at a casino
- The casual tipping process of Bond and the thank you
- The housekeeping tip
- Uber and Lyft and the Bond lifestyle
- The most Bond casinos
- Las Vegas as an adult Disneyland
- How Paul first realized the thrill of the James Bond lifestyle in Thailand
- The evolution of the James Bond lifestyle
- Skyjacked with Charleston Heston
- The real James Bond
- The 21 rules of the James Bond lifestyle (final 20 minutes of the interview)
Episode Resources
- Five FREE Audio-Books on Paul's: Youtube Channel
- Forbidden Power rental: On Amazon | On Vimeo
- How to Live the James Bond Lifestyle SPECTRE Edition: on Amazon Kindle
- Paul's Author Page on Amazon
- Paul's BondLife Website
- Paul's online Newsletter
- The James Bond mixology book: The Complete Guide to the Drinks of James Bond, 2nd Edition
21 Rules of the James Bond Lifestyle
Sharable Images
Show Notes
Paul (00:00:00):
This is Paul czi and you're listening to Travel Fuels Life.
Drew (00:00:17):
Hello everybody and welcome to Travel Fuel Life, the show where we share stories, tips and inspiration to help you live a travel lifestyle. I'm your host, drew Hanish, and this week we're going to continue our conversation with award-winning independent film director Paul Kazi. And whereas we spent last episode really focusing on his directorial experiences and all aspects of the James Bond lifestyle except for travel. This week we're going to talk more specifics on how both Paul travels and how James Bond travels. So this is going to be a little guide for you to help you kind of live in that James Bond mode. And we're going to cover the art of tipping like bond, how to handle casinos, getting from place to place like Bond, and that moment when Paul realized he actually was living the James Bond lifestyle. So for my home here in Greenville, South Carolina, it's time to reach out to Tokyo, Japan and finish our conversation with director Paul czi.
I wanted to ask Paul A. Little bit about his givers and takers concept that he talks about in the book because that was a big life changer for me. I mean, I feel like in my business I'm a giver, but in my personal life I don't think I always was. And I think that that messed with relationships at times. And so it was really kind of an eyeopener for me, especially when I heard that he said that 90% of men are takers. And so I started taking a little stock in myself and saying, is that me? I don't know. So this is a big part again of the James Bond cool factor is how you handled this. So first I asked him where he got this concept from and then was this something that he dealt with in his own personality?
Paul (00:02:08):
Well, I know where I got it from, but I was giving to a fault. I mean, I'd give all my stuff, somebody asked for something and when I was a kid I'd give it to 'em. So that's just my nature. I'm also an entertainer. I love to entertain and I used on my birthday, I wouldn't on the summer I wouldn't tell my friends, my guy friends and when I was 10 years old and stuff and we'd have a hot dog roast at my house and I'd take him to the movies and 10 guys kids and I'd take him to the Saturday movies and buy their tickets. And I told my parents, don't tell 'em it's my birthday. So that was always, yeah, my nature. But what happened on that givers and takers, I just saw two guys on television on some talk show and they wrote a book called Givers and Takers and I never got the book.
And they just talking about how they did a survey, a poll, asking men questions. He said like 90% of men are takers and they're the ones who said, yeah, the takers will do one big thing and talk about it all year and giving, and then they'll take taking. It can be just like, Hey, get me a drink out of the refrigerator instead of getting it up and getting it yourself. But I got a lot of things that just stuck with me from talk shows. Cause I was looking for any way to be successful with movies, which means making money. So I would, any success show or a successful person, biographies I'd read and some of those things that stuck, all those things that stuck that were important to me. I put in the book, like I said, I used no reference material at all when I was typing it up.
I never thought about it until later. Another friend told me, he said, Paul, yours is the only success book where you actually tell people what to do, get a new watch, get a wallet, clean up your room. And he says, the other books just give you that. Go for it advice and get a calendar and get a calculator and make a base of operations. And he says, yours is the only. And I didn't realize that. He says, yeah, yours is the only book. Tell people this is what you do and go, go do it. Lot of the fans of the book, when they saw the movie Limitless and the guy gets his, he takes the pill and becomes first smart, first thing he does is clean up his room and then he starts exercising. Then he starts learning a language and listening to audios and counts his money. And he said, Paul, it was the James Bond lifestyle. A hundred
Drew (00:04:47):
Percent. Well it's funny,
Paul (00:04:49):
The next time you see Limitless watch that yet he got new clothes and he got a haircut and all of that.
Drew (00:04:54):
Well, I have to say that now I watch James Bond movies from a completely different perspective because I have to admit, the first time I watched Specter, I actually did not enjoy it. And it was because I was spending so much time analyzing. We see James Bond's apartment and it's just, he's done nothing with it. It's just stuff laying around. And I'm going, Paul, this is not Paul czi approved. Well
Paul (00:05:22):
You remember though, remember he lost his apartment in the movie before it they thought he was dead. So they sold his stuff or put it in storage and cleared out his apartment.
Drew (00:05:34):
There you go. So
Paul (00:05:35):
He was starting over. He was starting over. But you are correct. Other people mention that they were disappointed at his apartment because yeah, you and I move into a new place, we're going to have that place cooking in a week, right?
Drew (00:05:49):
Yeah. So some of the other things that you talk about, and I wanted to get a little clarification on this one, and guess maybe this is just for personal choice, but one of the things that you talk about is in terms of prosperity programming is carrying around a money clip with you. And I had never done that before and it was very awkward when I first started, but I did start getting a little bit more used to it. The question though was that you talk about in the book having a hundred dollars bill in your money clip and then having some money in your wallet as well, which is good in case you get a costed by a villain somewhere along the line that you'll have some money somewhere else. But what I found was that especially with a tipping sort of thing, it was much easier rather than me having a roll of twenties with a hundred dollars bill in my money clip was to have just my tip money in the money clip. Do you have a strategy? Is there one they way that works better or?
Paul (00:07:00):
Yeah, I do have smaller amounts on my money clip and then my wallet would be all hundreds. But also in my wallet, I do have a couple of twenties because you get into situations where they can't take 101 time. God, one time I had a $20 bill at 2:00 AM at a convenience store and the guy said I can't break it. And I bought stuff and I should, it was really strange. So you have to have some twenties in your wallet and I carry the hundreds and then I'll carry the fives and twenties on my money clip, always keep a hundred dollars a bill on the outside just for my programming, not for anybody to see. And I keep a hundred dollars bill in the middle of those smaller denominations, just so I know subconsciously when I run out of those twenties and tens that there'll be a hundred in the middle.
So that's just one of my, but you have to be careful, they used to call that a Hollywood bankroll where guys would've a bunch of ones with a hundred dollar bill on the outside to show off. And the James Bond lifestyle, as you know, is not about showing off. It's about programming, programming yourself, convincing yourself of your prosperity as in fact we have to change from the competitive mind to the creative mind where we don't compete with other people, we create, that's what Walt Disney did. He competed by creating, if you compete with somebody, if I'm trying to make a movie better than Spielberg, it might look like a Spielberg movie, but it just be a copy of, but if I dig deep in my own ideas, I'll have something that's unique to me. So that's very important. We are not here to show off or compete. We are here to create a lifestyle.
Drew (00:08:53):
So another thing that you do, and probably the first thing that goes through people's mind is how do I get all these a hundred dollars bills that I'm going to be walking around with? But I think that's something that my mother actually taught me when I was younger. She said, if you can go down to the bank, withdraw a $100 bill and just put it in your wallet, it's amazing how your whole mindset changes. Because when you walk into a store, you don't go in thinking I have no money. You go in thinking, I've got a hundred dollars bill, but I could choose to buy this or not choose to buy it.
Paul (00:09:30):
Yeah, I like that a lot. Just to know you have that power. What helps me too, when I was working here in Japan and sometimes little short two days before payday, have a Starbucks card with 50 or a hundred dollars value on a Starbucks card. You might run out of cash, but you know, can walk into any Starbucks,
Drew (00:09:56):
Get coffee and some food.
Paul (00:09:58):
Every Starbucks is yours just by. So I do carry a Starbucks card. They have, Starbucks is big in Japan as well, but I recommend a Starbucks card cause and you go in, you're traveling, you go in, you order a cup of coffee and then the restrooms are yours and chairs are yours. The heat or the coolness is yours. So I recommend having a Starbucks card.
Drew (00:10:22):
Well one of the other things you talked about was carrying around a gold sovereign with yourself for money programming. Now of course when you originally did that book, you probably could have gotten a gold sovereign for maybe 60, 70, 80 bucks. I think they're now like 300 or 400 just because of the price of gold have having gone up so much, one of the things that I thought you were trying to do with that was to try to again remind yourself to be money conscious. And so what I did was I went out and I would get $2 bills and because nobody ever sees $2 bills, I would carry those with me. And that's how I would tip. And it was interesting because you would get such a positive reaction whenever you would hand a $2 bill to somebody because nobody's seen them. They would go, oh look at that. I haven't seen a $2 bill in quite a while. So for me that sort of became the way at a lower cost than carrying around a piece of gold in my pocket to
Paul (00:11:24):
That's a great idea. I never thought of that. I got a stack of $2 bills. I was just saving as a collection. But that's a great idea. And just to know you have a strange denomination in your wallet, an unusual denomination is powerful. Sure, I like
Drew (00:11:42):
That. As soon as I hand it to somebody, it's like I go, you know, immediately are getting a reaction from them, which creates a reinforcement for you that money is valuable and it has a power. And that power can even be just to get a smile on somebody's face when they see something that they haven't seen for a long time.
Paul (00:12:03):
Yeah, that's one of the rules of the James Bond lifestyle. Everybody I meet is better off for the experience. So it might be a good word, it might be a tip, it might be a recommendation of a book or a song or a music, anything. A lot of people like the convenience stores, they just treat the clerk like a robot. They don't say anything. And I'll, I'll say something. So now, but now that I've gotten over my shyness,
Finally at age 30, at age 30 I got, that's when I got over my shyness that that's a long time to be super shy. I remember I lived in a apartment place and there's a kind of narrow, just good apartment, but the, there's a hallway and I'd be walking and somebody would be walking towards me, even a man. And I think, do I look at him? Do I say hello? Do I say, what do I do? I just say nothing or walk past, no eye contact. And then I finally was doing the Mark Raymont and his tapes and everything. I thought, okay, I don't care. I'm just tired of this. What do I say? Do I look, what do I do? I said, I'm going to say hello to every person and that I run into the hallway. I don't care, man, woman, anybody. And I'd say hi. And they'd say hi. And I thought, geez, nobody threw a rock at me or anything. That was a big step for me. Cause I vividly remember thinking, oh what do I do? Do I look at 'em? Do I say hi and I'm passing up, there's a foot of space between us, a foot of air you pass right by him or two feet of air. And what do you do? It's like the thing in the elevator. What do you do? Two people straight, go into an elevator, what do you do now? I just say hi.
Drew (00:13:44):
Well, and you have that fun story with Queen Elizabeth and Sammy Davis, Jr. Sammy going to meet the queen and putting his hand out, but then pulling his hand back and not knowing exactly what is the decorum here, what am I supposed to be doing? Until he just ended up looking, he just had no idea what he was doing. And she grabbed his hand.
Paul (00:14:08):
Yeah, I heard Sammy tell that story and she finally grabbed his, he put it out and back out and back and then finally grabbed
Drew (00:14:16):
Paul (00:14:17):
Now in Japan when I came here, there's a lot of customs of where do I sit and where do we sit, do we stand? You know, could be in somebody's church and you don't know when to sit stand and you can do that. Woody Allen running around like, well what do I do? What do I do? And I found you just slow, just you lay your action a half a second. So you come in and somebody just says, well sit over there. And you sit and then they pick up their chopsticks or what and then you do it. And so just delay your actions. So don't try to overthink, well where do I stand? What do I do? Just okay, comes down. Oh everybody's sitting, I'll sit, okay. Oh everybody's standing, I'll stand. Oh they're walking. So just delay your action and don't try to overthink what do I do? Just follow everybody else at a delayed speed, half a second while
Drew (00:15:09):
You need it. And I mean when you're traveling across the globe, you're obviously going to be running into circumstances and situations that you're just not familiar with. And to think bond always seems overly prepared everywhere he goes, but you can't know everything. And so I think that's great advice to say, hey, just slow it down a little bit. Kind of observe and see what everybody else is doing and then make your actions flow from that.
Paul (00:15:43):
Well that's helped me a great deal. I mean that's no small thing cause I've been in all those situations, even in America, you know, go to different churches or wedding ceremonies and trying to overthink it and I just learn, slow it down.
Drew (00:15:58):
So when you travel, do you have that mindset that I want to travel in a very bond-like kind of a style? Or do you just, you've just adapted the things that you like?
Paul (00:16:15):
Well that's a good question because there's the idea of mostly I just flew the regular class so I just want to get there. But then sometimes it got ridiculous in the economy and there's just some wild people and crying babies. So they had this, all these airlines now have economy plus where they put you in the front five rows. So you're more over the wing, it's smoother, it's quieter, a lot of people and it's only $120 more. So a lot of people don't do that. There's no babies up front. And now you can get on the internet. Here's the big thing for me, drew. I get on the internet and they show you the plans of the plane, a diagram of the plane and the available seats and the available seats are blue and the ones that aren't available are red. And I plan enough ahead of time where I get the very front of the seat behind first class or right behind business. If they have that, it's the front against the wall. And then I get near the window, either the right side or the left side, very, there's a wall in front of you. So they got no guy, it got ridiculous. Some they just push the seats in front of, they incline the seat right into your face and you know, got no leg room. So they brag for $120 you get six inches more leg
Drew (00:17:47):
Paul (00:17:49):
But if you get in front of the wall, it's like your own personal apartment. So you can sit by the window and you can get out of there anytime you want. Even if the guy's got his legs stretched out, you step over him, there's no seat. But if the guy guy's you're in the seat with in front inclined, you can't get out. Or if you're in the aisle, then you got to get up all the time. So get that seat in front of the wall economy plus.
Drew (00:18:13):
And how far in advance do you usually try to book your travel so that you'd be able to get a special seat like that one upfront?
Paul (00:18:21):
Well, as soon as I know that I am going to go, I usually plan in advance in two months, but even one month. And here's the thing, if you're freelance and you can slide a day or two, if they don't have it one day before you want, you know, can get it a day either way. And if it's just one seat, I usually fly just by myself. So if it's one seat you can usually get it. But that's a popular seat. The window in front of the wall, I guess they say bulkhead. Yeah. And that's as good as that's business class. So now to do my movie, when I decided August, summer is very, very popular time of course. And I made my reservations or two months early, but everything was sold out the day I wanted to get there. Even around the day I wanted to get there.
So they had a business class or something. So I got that and it was a lot of money. And then they said for $30 extra you can get the first class star. And I thought, what are they talking about? And I had to look, they didn't call it first class, they called it superstar. And I looked it up, is that what they're talking about? The seats? And I wasn't sure until I got on the plane. But anyway, I clicked the extra 30 bucks, what do I got to lose? And when I got on the plane, what was the airlines? Delta I think. Yeah, Delta. And it was first class, it was on the window and it was one seat by itself. So they had one seat by themselves and then they had two seats on the window, both sides of the window and then two seaters in the middle. And it was a private, it inclined completely flat and your legs would go, it was your own little booth apartment.
Drew (00:20:19):
Paul (00:20:19):
Wow. The television. Oh it was wonderful. Nice. So that was cool. And I could actually sleep. I usually don't sleep on the plane, but I slept a couple of hours and then it was like you're not on an airplane and the seat is tilted a little bit towards the window so you're not even looking at the airplane and it's your own private booth. So that was great. That was on Delta, their first class. It was expensive, but I had no choice cause I had to get there for the movie.
Drew (00:20:50):
Yeah, well you definitely felt like Bond in that particular situation I'm sure.
Paul (00:20:55):
Oh, it was wonderful. Yeah, it was wonderful.
Drew (00:20:58):
Did you order a shaken? Not stirred.
Paul (00:21:01):
No. No regular. Yeah, I don't drink. I just never liked the taste. So I just never drank.
Drew (00:21:09):
Yeah. Okay. So I was going to say there's no martini recipes within your book, but somebody could buy a copy of Casino Royale and the Vesper is listed in there or just watch the movie because he tells you exactly how to make it.
Paul (00:21:25):
Yeah, well there's guy, there's a guy who has all the, you'd find on the internet. Oh he has a book called the James Bond Mixology, something like that. Every drink ever made or drunken in the movies or books and how to make them and what they are. So he's got that covered.
Drew (00:21:46):
So how do you pack for a trip when you're going? Do you try to wear more upscale kind of clothing or how does that go? Because for me that's always the challenge is figuring out how to wear something versatile enough for whatever situation I'm going to be in.
Paul (00:22:06):
Yeah, I always dressed up because of the movie stars and the Elvis Presley movies. I mean he'd be out on the sticks all dressed up. He was playing a Bronco writer and movie called Stay Away Joe and I look at his pictures now or look the movie. And those were av? No, those were first class pants that were his jeans. So I always dress up Armani is what I was thinking of. So I got Armanis jeans and I'm always dressed up, not jacking and tie. And so even my casual clothes are dressed up. I don't wear shorts and or t-shirt that says I'm with stupid or any of that.
Drew (00:22:51):
Paul (00:22:51):
Yeah, I always dressed up like the Elvis Presley movies. And then Bond never did the tuxedo or the coat and tie, but the jacket with the open shirt. So I'm always dressed up. So one time in Japan I came or wheeling my bag and went into the to go get the ticket check in and the lady said, oh, first class she said this way. And I said, no, I'm not first class. And I said, but I looked first class and I joked and she said, oh yes you do. And I looked around and everybody was in shorts and t-shirts and tennis shoes and I was just in Armani black pants with a shirt and a sports coat. So it doesn't take much these days to look dressed
Drew (00:23:43):
Up. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I think our fashion sense has pretty much fallen out the window over the last few years. Yoga pants, you can go anywhere in yoga pants I guess is the new tradition.
Paul (00:23:55):
Well just a sports jacket and a dress shirt and then long pants and leather shoes is all it takes to look like James Bond. Cause everybody else is wearing shorts, T-shirts, white socks and tennis shoes.
Drew (00:24:15):
So one of the parts of the book that I listened to probably the most is the part on hotels and on tipping. That was a big mindset change for me in terms of first of all getting into a tipping mentality, but then trying to figure out the logistics from the point of arriving at the hotel. And the first obstacle that you're going to run into is going to be the valet. So let's talk about it from valet all the way through to getting into your room. Where are the places where you should be going to that money clip and pulling out tips?
Paul (00:24:58):
Well the first thing Drew, is to make sure you have a lot of $5 bills or $2 bills as you said, because it brings to mind the story. I was traveling with my parents and my sister. So there's four of us in the car. And I'd used, when you have a $20 bill and you get down, always break your twenties cause you're going to need those $5 $1 bills for tips. So always break your twenties. But I forgot to do that. And we're heading down to the Universal Hilton Hotel getting close and I realize I didn't have $5 bills and I said, everybody in the car give me your $5 bills. They're all because, cause here's the reason Drew is you get to the Hilton and you tip the ballet guy. Now that's a debatable thing. My dad would always say, you tip him at the end.
And I said, well, at the end it might be another casino, you're in there three hours. It could be another guy because they rotate or if it's another day. And then there's also the idea, if you tip 'em at the beginning, they'll take better care of your car or they'll maybe not steal something out of your car. Of course you make sure your valuables are out, but once in a while there's a missing CD or something. So you tip the valet to take your car and you take his stub and then there's the guy who meets you with the cart to take your luggage and he takes the luggage just from the car to the counter. Okay. So then you tip him at the counter. They usually check in these days they have the exact room for you, but in the older days they'd find a room for you.
They'd say, okay, well you want this room? Yeah, I want the corner king and that type of thing. And they'll click around and they'll type around. And so I'll just say, it's not custom to tip the clerk there, but I'll leave a five and say, after all it is the Hilton, I'll say thanks for searching for the rooms. So there's another $5 bill there. So that's three of them. Then there's a separate guy, a separate guy who takes your luggage from the lobby up to the room. And since I got two rooms, parents and me separate rooms, so he's taken luggage to two rooms. So tip them for each room. So there's four or five, $5 bills. And I tell people, if you don't happen to not have the money, look at his, I learned this from Richard Gere in American Jilo. You say you look at the guy's name tag and you say, thanks Bob, I'll take care of you later. And then you find Bob, you find Bob later and down the lo lobby if you can, a lot of the James Bond life, a couple of the James Bond life guy style guys write to me, what if the valet guy's name is not Bob?
Drew (00:28:08):
Okay, be a little literal
Paul (00:28:12):
Guys, keep the jokes coming, right? So there's 20 bucks to get to your room Now if you're staying at the Hilton. And I remember one time checking in at a Sheraton and then I was in one of those airport limousines and I got out. And so there was all of us, there was 10 people. And so the guy with the card said, welcome to the Sheraton everybody. I am the guy who takes your bags from here to the lobby and only to the lobby
Drew (00:28:47):
Was it,
Paul (00:28:47):
He was saying he was, Hey tip me because I only don't wait till the room, right room. And I think he said, he said, another guy will take your,
Drew (00:28:56):
Paul (00:28:57):
He was telling, that was his way of saying tip me there. And then when I pick up my car, I tip the driver, I the valet guy when just I hand him the stub and hand them the $5 bill. The cool thing about some hotels, like the universal Hilton, you can call down to the valet and tell 'em you want your car. And by the time you go down the elevator, either if you're going out to side trip or if you're checking out, your car will be there with the doors open and the hood up, the trunk up ready to go. So I like that part. Yeah, so there's whatever, three bucks, whatever, they have all these rules of you can look on the internet, how much per bag, if there's more bags, you tip more and all of that. So tipping is just a way of respect. Now I think at a casino where you're spinning three bucks every five seconds, I think the laws of tipping go out the window. I always win in the casino because yeah, you're spinning, you're spinning three bucks on the machine or whatever, so why not tip the girl, the drinks are free, you're supposed to tip 'em. And sometimes I'm ahead a thousand dollars ahead and I give em a 20 and the girl says, oh, it's a 20, are you sure? Are you sure sir? And I say, Hey, I'm a thousand dollars ahead.
So spread the, spread the wealth, and then there'll be a guy in the restroom cleaning up the restroom and I don't make a big deal about it. I pull out a 20 and say, Hey, thanks for keeping it clean and I am a thousand bucks ahead. Why not? So
Drew (00:30:49):
Do you have a particular way that you slide the money to them or have you gotten into a style on that? Or do you just wave out a $5 bill and thanks Bob?
Paul (00:31:00):
Yeah, that's very important. You'll see Bond do that very casually. And when he walks out the door and Dr No and yeah, you look the guy in the eye, you don't look at the money, you look at the guy in the eye and you say, thanks for the service, or thanks for taking care of my car, or thanks for keeping the place clean. And yeah, you can keep the bill below belt level and just so the belt about belt level so the guy can see the motion of your hand and he'll find the bill and you just look him in the eye and you say from the heart, thank you for whatever service. It's interesting that the Las Vegas waiters, when they had all those seating by tips, now they have, you know, get a seat number, a reserved seat. But before when Elvis Presley was there, Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, you get a reservation for the dinner show and then it's up to the maitre d and the ushers to seat you.
And of course everybody wants to get in front to see Elvis or Frank Sinatra. So all these made men, gangsters would tip hundreds hundred dollars. And the people were literally buying waiters were buying houses with the tips they got from the Sinatra shows because all the wise guys, but those waiters said they could know the denomination of the bill just by the way the guy put it in his hand. Huh? It got so good. Wow. And that's very interesting. Of course they can't feel it with their fingertips, but the confi, I imagine they were serious about it. I imagine the confidence with which the guy placed the tip and the voice, they could tell how much money it was. So yeah, you don't make a deal, a big deal about the cash. The big deal is the thank you for your service.
Drew (00:32:58):
Right. Well it amma me when I, because I'm not really a big gambler, but when I went to Vegas about a year ago, I was learning how to play and so I got my first chance to sit down at a table and start playing. And I realized that not a lot of people actually do seem to tip at those tables and they are winning money. And I learned this little technique, which was when you put your money down on whatever in baa, it's banker or player, when you put your money down on banker or player, take an extra, say if I was putting down 25, I put an extra five in front of that on the dealer side. And then that way the dealer would actually have stakes in the win along with me because their tip would be riding on the line along with my bet and they'd have a chance to play along and double their money. And I found that the dealers kind of enjoyed that and it made me feel more like I was bringing them into the game as well and just having more of a community kind of a feeling to it.
Paul (00:34:15):
Yeah, very, very good. And you can do that on craps, you'd say all the hard ways. Play all the hard ways. There's four hard ways, which is a three and a three, same number. I'd say all the hard ways. I throw a $5 chip all the hard ways and one for the dealers hard, all the hard ways and the hard six for the dealers. They say, oh thank you, thank you sir. Then win or lose, if they take it away, they'd still say, thank you sir. Or if you win and they take their share and they say, thank you sir. Yeah, it makes 'em part of the game. Yeah, makes it fun. You're communicating, it's there in the casino to have fun. If you're there trying to win money for your rent, you're not going to make it. But if you're there to have fun, you got a good chance of, and then stopping when you got a profit and getting breakfast or something or dinner and using all the entertainment, not just gambling, probably break even or have a profit. That's a good story, drew. I didn't know that about how to place for Bacarra.
Drew (00:35:15):
Yeah, so it's sure probably if you're playing blackjack and that sort of thing, you probably can use a similar technique. But yeah, it, it creates a lot more fun. And I found that when I went to Vegas, I mean the first time I went with a convention and I put a coin into a poker machine and for me that wasn't a lot of juice to doing that. But when I went back and actually sat down at a table, because there are bacarra tables or BAA machines that you can go play, but there's something about that human interaction with the dealer that just makes it comes alive to me. It feels much more like you're in a game.
Paul (00:35:58):
Oh sure, yeah, there's, think about it, there's no dramatic movies about a guy trying to win at slots, right?
Drew (00:36:04):
It's always
Paul (00:36:06):
A dice or a back or blackjack or poker. It's got to be a human element in there. But yeah, the tipping should be a lot freer when you're winning in a machine. Even if you're not winning, you're still having fun, you're still spinning or gambling five or 10 bucks every couple of minutes or every couple of seconds on a s slot machine. So why not tip the drink girl who has to work in a smokey environment all day long.
Drew (00:36:37):
So another thought is that I don't always stay in hotels where I'm going to have the bellhop or I travel lights. So sometimes I'm just taking my one little bag. So I don't necessarily need to have them carry that up to my room. But when I go into the room, then I think about the person that's actually cleaning the room. And I think in any hotel that you have an opportunity to drop a tip at that point. Do you have a rule of thumb for that? I mean is there an amount that you think is appropriate or when you should do it, if you're staying multiple days, how you should handle that?
Paul (00:37:20):
Yeah, I like to put, well I'm always at the Hiltons, I'm a hi Hilton member and my credit cards, it's a Hilton. I get Hilton free rooms on my credit card. So I'm always at the Hilton, which my dad liked because he forgot the word hotel. He'd say, Paul, where's the next hi Hilton on the
Drew (00:37:39):
Trip. Nice.
Paul (00:37:41):
So you don't at the Hilton, that's a different situation. So I always put $5 on the bed on pillow every day and I tell 'em not to, I was one of the first ones, I'm thinking this is ridiculous, changing the sheets every day. I'm a clean guy, I take a shower and now they have a sign there if you know want your sheets, sheets, all that water and all that soap and environmental, what do you got to change the sheets, you know, don't do that at home. You don't change your sheets every day at home. So now they have it where if you want your sheets clean change, you put the sign on the bed otherwise, which is a good thing. But I was doing that for years telling them don't change the sheets unless I'm there for many, many days. But I'll put $5 every day on the pillow and then sometimes I need an extra catch the grill in the hall and if I need extra towel or soap or they're happy as heck to give it to me. Yeah. Hey Drew, people don't tip, they don't like to tip. A lot of people don't like to tip, so if you tip a little bit or even a couple of dollars on the pillow, especially when you leave the last day, it's much appreciated I think of those ladies having to make those giant beds and clean the place up. It's a lot of work.
Drew (00:39:04):
Yeah, usually it's funny, when I'm around a hotel room, I always try to keep it as picked up as I possibly can because I keep thinking I wouldn't want to clean this place up once, especially when it's somebody else's mess instead of my own. So definitely good to show, show some respect for them.
Paul (00:39:21):
There's times when, like you said, you just got one bag, you just carry it up yourself. You don't have to think you're James Bond or you don't use all of the services. And then sometimes on some of the hotels it's more convenient to park the car yourself cause you figure might be going to it. Many times you leave it with a valet than the valets got to get the keys and go to it. And then you tip them if you got to get something out of your car. And then sometimes, you know, have Vegas with those 10 floors parking structures, you definitely want to use the valet. But some places the parking lot's convenient, you don't need the valet. So this doesn't mean you have to go James Bond lifestyle all the time, but when you're first starting out in the James Bond lifestyle, I mean valet is cool, exciting, it's cool, especially on first dates or any dates with the girls or if for family or even older people at least drop 'em off for older people or even girls drop or anybody you're travel would drop 'em off at the front door and park the car yourself.
So you don't necessarily have to use valet.
Drew (00:40:44):
Well, and that brings up the other situation, which is nowadays, you know, used to grab a taxi maybe from the airport when I land in Vegas, that was the old way of doing things. But now you have Lyft and Uber and all of those options as well. So if you were taking a Uber, would you tend to just use the app to leave a tip? Or do you like the idea of actually handing the person the tip as cash?
Paul (00:41:15):
Well, first of all, I love Uber. It's one of the greatest James Bond lifestyle things that there is. And the fact that they know who you are, who they are, you call 'em on. That's just just wonderful thing. And you can see the car coming on your phone, right know, it's where it is. Just Super James Bond. I like to tip with cash directly to the guy. So I always just have the car service going my credit card and I always give cash.
Drew (00:41:46):
Nice. Okay. So of all the places, let's talk about some locations and we'll start with casinos. What would you say is the coolest casino experience that you've had in terms of feeling the James Bond lifestyle?
Paul (00:42:03):
Well, Las Vegas and I would say yes, Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas with that super giant shopping mall with the statues and the water fountain and the statues come alive and all those attractions. So yeah, any of those stripped casinos. But Caesar's Palace, treasure Island, and I really for a while really loved the Luxor, the Pyramid Shape Hotel, but just don't go above six floors. But around the sixth floor you really get a feeling you can look down there, you get above it, you don't want to look down. So yeah, the Luxer very entertaining. And it's the area itself. The Luxor is next to the Excalibur in New York, New York that that's just a great corner. So the MGM Hotel is great. That corner, if you look at the map, so there's either that corner where the MGM Hotel is and the New York, New York or down where Caesar's Palace that has the monorail to Treasure Island. Treasure Island with the exploding volcano is great. You can ask for a volcano view room and then they give it to you and that's when you tip the guy five bucks for finding the volcano room for you. So your family or date or whoever, your bond girl can look out the window and see the volcano exploding. So it's those little things, right? Yeah. That make you trip. Yeah,
Drew (00:43:33):
Absolutely. So
Paul (00:43:34):
That's the great experience there. Yeah, no, it's the Mirage that has the exploding volcano. Okay. So Mirage is terrific. So I would tell your listeners, check out the Mirage first for a great experience for your bond girl or your group.
Drew (00:43:53):
Awesome. Okay. So again, I tell you, the first time I went to Vegas, that's all I did was just walk through hotels just to see the personalities of each of them. It's an amazing place. And I think even for the people who aren't into gaming that that's actually, somebody told me the other day that Las Vegas is probably much less about gaming now than it is about entertainment.
Paul (00:44:18):
Oh, I agree. I agree. It's each hotel, like you said, the atmosphere. Each hotel is a separate Disneyland with the attractions and the rides and the, oh, they got rides where the moving chairs and the screens and 3D and Oh my God. And the big shows. Yeah. So the entertainment is fantastic. So you go down downtown to the Fremont Street Show with the lights on the ceiling, they got a five block ceiling. Yeah, yeah. It's endless attractions. Then you can take a tour to the Grand Canyon Monument Valley from there, the Hoover Dam. So there's a lot of those check out. Yeah, don't forget to check out those side bus trips. They keep you away. They keep away from the gambling too. So 80 bucks to go to the Grand Canyon, it's four hours and then they hang around there for three hours and then back and you're still back by night to enjoy the night. But it keeps you away from the tables for those hours.
Drew (00:45:24):
So of all the places that you travel, there's one story that you tell about, you were doing a documentary in Thailand and you were getting a chance to fly there and that things weren't working out in a very traditional sort of sense in terms of going on a regular passenger flight to go there. And that you kind of wandered into a James Bond moment. Do you want to tell that story?
Paul (00:45:52):
Boy, that's remembering, it just sounds unbelievable. Yeah, I was hired with my friend and actually the Seattle producer, my friend Conrad from the Air Force Movie Department hired him as cameraman and he went on a flight ahead of me to Pettet Thailand, and you fly to Hong Kong and then from there you get a flight to Thailand. But he went ahead of me and then I took a separate flight. So I had to stay in Hong Kong over overnight by myself. And then when I checked in for the flights, they said to Thailand, this was a three hour flight, they said, oh, well you can take the 6:00 AM or you can take the noon. And I thought well get there sooner. So I said, okay, I'll take the 6:00 AM. So I get up and I go in and I didn't see anybody in line only I went in and I get in the, and the airplane's empty.
And the producer sent me a first class ticket and there was 12 hostesses. The full host of the flight attendants, one guy, and I think eight girls, that's not 12, but maybe 10. And the girl said, and I had a reserve seat first class, so she said, take any seat you want. And I looked back there, the plane was completely empty and I mean zero, this was a British plane, but they had high attendance, British Airways. So I took a seat in the back of first class cause I like to look over. And then she said, you want a newspaper? And I, I'm not interested in the newspaper, but I wanted to be polite. I said, okay. So I opened the newspaper and I didn't realize that night was the Academy Award. So I opened the newspaper and there's the Academy Award listings on the front page, which I was interested in.
So I, I do like to read about the Academy Awards. Then they didn't have the flight information on the televisions at that time. They had one flight attendant reading the safety instructions with the C, another girl giving the seatbelt demonstrations and pointing to the exit. And I'm sitting in the back of first class and the girl's supposed to stand in the front. She walks right up to my seat, stands right in front of me with the seatbelt that to demonstrate. And she says, for your eyes only. And that was the new James Bond movie playing at the time. She says, for your eyes only. And she does the seatbelt in instruction while the other girl's reading it right in front. Then the pilots comes out, we're out, we're in the air and they make me an omelet and stuff. This is an empty plane, drew, this is the plane with 300, 300 empty seats.
And then the British pilot comes out and he says, well what are you doing on this airplane? This is only a cargo only plane, cargo flight. And of course, and they're required to have the stewardess is I guess by union even though there's nobody on the plane. I said, well, they gave me a choice. And I took, he says, oh, he says, you want to come up to the cockpit? I said, oh yeah. And at that time was they stopped having people in the cockpit. And I remember reading Charlton Heston's diary where they are, they brought him up to the cockpit cause he was a celebrity. So they put me in a, and so I got to sit and I was in a fourth seat right behind the pilots and I was sitting there and the guy says, you want to be here for the landing?
I said, yeah. So I was very, wow. And we landed in that Thailand airport, washed them land and the whole thing. And it was beautiful going, floating down and touch down. And that starts, and that's of course Thailand Poquette is where they filmed man with a golden gun, the James Bond Island. They have the tours there. And that is the point Drew, that I said, I want more of this. This is really James Bond lifestyle. So I came back, when I came back and I made a lot of money making that movie documentary. When I came back, I rented videos, were just came out video machines. And I rented the James Bond movies and I said, I want this James Bond lifestyle. And I thought, yeah, James Bond metaphor for success. And that's when I started making up the James Bond lifestyle. Just for me. Just for me. And then when I was filming Omega Cop, people were asking me, Hey, how do you live with no corporation, no company backing you up?
How do you live freelance? And I would tell 'em all these success books and my success courses in the subconscious mind. And I thought, this is, and I'd forget to tell 'em something. I would call 'em up and you also have to do this. And I thought, I got to get this all down on a 90 minute cassette that I can hand it to 'em. So the first James Bond lifestyle was just me having all those rules and everything that I do as a gift for people. But then at the same time, Amazon started. So I got the cassettes on Amazon and it blossomed from there. People loved it. And then I expanded, 90 minutes wasn't enough. So I did the book and that's the beginning of the James Bond lifestyle. From that they're all beautiful high girls and those beautiful uniforms. And the girl walking up to my seat and saying, for your eyes only.
Drew (00:51:24):
Wow. You were channeling some energy right there of some form.
Paul (00:51:30):
Yeah, well I had my eyes open and I said, this is great. And what's the coincidence of I'm, I never got a newspaper on flights or bought a newspaper. And then there was the Academy Awards on the front page. So all of that and the girl saying, take any seat you want in first class. Cause the producer gave me a first, I didn't ask for first class producer gave pickets and they turned out to be first class.
Drew (00:51:59):
Well, I was going to say at that time it was probably all about hijacking because that was the big worry at that time. And so for you to actually be able to sit up in the cockpit with the pilot, even at that time, because we think about modern times after nine 11, definitely it's not going to happen that way anymore. But even back then, there was some tension about that. So it was amazing that you got that opportunity.
Paul (00:52:26):
There was a lot, in fact, Charlton Heston starred in the movie called Hijacked, and that was three years earlier. So yeah, there was a lot of worry about hijacked, but I guess they trusted me
Drew (00:52:36):
So well. Very good. Well, so you expanded the book out and it's a great read all the way through. When we get to the end of the book, there are 21 rules that you came up with. Was that the inception of the book when it was just the 90 minute book? Was it all kind of built around these 21 rules?
Paul (00:53:00):
No, the 21 rules were done after, but with the 90 minute cassette, I believe it was with the 90 minute cassette, certainly with the paper book, a few years later, I made those rules up and I made him down the list and I thought, well it should end, it should be 21, and I never changed them. And you're starting out and people make a comment like, well who needs to check into hotels? And was this about chasing women or you know, kind of shy about it, but somebody saw the list and they said, oh my god, that's incredible. I printed it out and pasted it on my refrigerator and people were leaving comments. This is great. And I've never changed the list. The list has never changed. Well
Drew (00:53:48):
I was going to say, your book actually doesn't change that much from version to version either. It's really more kind of injecting something from the new movie that's out or maybe making a slight revision here or there. But I, the core of the information in the book has always been very solid from the earliest edition that I have.
Paul (00:54:08):
Yeah, that's correct. It's never changed, the truth never changed, it's expanded on and I became a better writer over the years. That's why the Specter version, I totally rewrote, but I did all the chapter, the sub chapter is the same. Explaining the subconscious mind, just better writing and more clear. A lot of stories as you saw, A lot of stories are from celebrities, Frank Sinatra, Sylvester Stallone, Elvis Pressley. So there's not just James Bond, but there's a lot of, as you mentioned, Sammy Davis Jr. So any of those celebrities in those James Bond lifestyle situations I use as an example. So that's why people like the book. It's not just Bond, there's a lot of Sinatra in there. He was kind of the real James Bond with a tuxedo in the casinos and the confidence and the money and all of that, the lifestyle. So those rules never changed. Never changed. And in the Spector version, I go through each rule and talk about it and what I've learned from it and where I got the rule and that kind of thing.
Drew (00:55:16):
Great. Fantastic. Well, so why don't we take the audience then to kind of round this thing out through those 21 rules. You've got the 21 rules there in front of you. So why don't you give us a feel for what those 21 rules are in the James Bond lifestyle?
Paul (00:55:34):
Well, the first and last are the same. I never run out of cash and making movies myself. I get close to it. In the old days, I actually had, I would have so many credit card bills and I would pay the bills first and never leave any cash to me. And that got for me and that got into some bad situations. So I have not actually broken that rule, but even this last movie, I got close to it because when you have an opportunity and you getting good luck on a movie, you know, want to make sure it's perfect and you kind of feed it with cash and you make sure you got better music, better sound. And so you use a lot of cash. I know Martin Scorsese many times he's, he's used his own cash throughout the years and recently he said, I got to stop doing that,
Got a family and he's got to keep it up. So that's the first and the last second role I accomplished, learn, give, and enjoy something every day. Saw that on a calendar one time, a day by day calendar. And that struck me as I thought about it, if you can and many people accomplish, they learn. And even a phone call to a friend or something that's giving, but they forget to enjoy something every day. And that can be something small or reading the book you're interested in watching a video, exercising and it doesn't have to be where you run off and leave the family to do something. I mean, just an hour every day where you take care of that enjoyment need.
So we got base of operations as always cleaned and organized. That speaks for itself. Challenges, I improvise, adapt, and overcome. Actually I didn't realize that. I heard Clin East would say that in a Marine movie, and I didn't realize that was an actual Marine slogan. Number five, I dress up even at home alone. Some people have problems with that, but you don't have to be super dressed up just, but I tell you, when you want to get something going, you know, say I got to get something going today, it's good to wear long pants and leather shoes. Six is a health thing. I eat vegetables, fruit, drink, water, exercise and sleep. So you got to take care of yourself. Seven, carrying enough cash and credit. Toper operate efficiently. And I should know, I've run out of credit and cash many times.
One time I was on a first date with a girl at a nice restaurant and when I walked in I usually, at that time they'd have signs for credit cards. I didn't see any. And there was kind of a high class place. I knew I had enough cash to pay for the dinners and everything, but I thought, ooh, if the girl orders drink or an extra drink, I'm not sure. So when she excused herself to the restroom, I called the waiter over and I kept really worried because I had cash, but I didn't know if I had enough and called the waiter order. Did you take credit cards? Oh yes sir. MasterCard, visa. We take 'em all. And then right then I heard in my mind
Drew (00:58:52):
I was now James Bond.
Paul (00:58:54):
Cause now she could order a second drink and I didn't have to sweat it out.
Drew (00:58:57):
Oh man. I had an interesting story. When I moved from Dallas to Nashville, I had my moving truck and I was staying at a hotel on the west end of Nashville and the only place close by to eat was a waffle house. So I walk into waffle house. I sit down, I eat my meal, and at the end I pulled my credit card out and they said, we're a cash only business. And that cold chill went down my spine and I thought, oh no, what am I going to do? And then the light bulb went off in my head and I said I was going to do laundry. And I went and got a bunch of coins. Let me see if I have enough coins to be able to pay for my meal. And I had enough for the meal and the tip. That was one of those moments when I said, you need to carry money with you wherever you go.
Paul (00:59:58):
Yeah. How do you like that flash of doubt that you might not have an embarrassment that might happen and, oh yeah, not good.
Okay. I choose my contacts carefully and avoid villains. So just, yeah, you got to be careful choosing your friends and staying away from negative people. Like number nine, I never give up, but I can change directions. So if you change directions, you're not giving up as long as you go forward and you have to give, there's a whole book about you have to give up sometime because if you didn't give up, if I didn't give up, I'd still be a paper boy. I'd love delivering papers in high school. But got to, and then I worked at the gas station, but I had to give that up.
Drew (01:00:46):
Well, and I always love the analogy of the river that a lot of people think that the way to your goal is to take a straight line direction, but no river goes directly straight ahead in a single file line. There's bends and there's curves in it, and there's places where you're, you're going to get maybe a little bit off track, but that, keeping that in mind that sometimes things will sidetrack you a little bit, but don't give, just keep on rolling with it until, like you say, you may determine that this is just not a direction that resonates with your future.
Paul (01:01:27):
Well that's great. I was surprised to find out that an airplane is off course 70% of the time. Oh
Drew (01:01:34):
Paul (01:01:36):
Oh yeah. The computer has to bring it, it back on course. Makes you want
Drew (01:01:40):
To jump on an airplane, doesn't it?
Paul (01:01:41):
A good one. Number 10, I'm not afraid to pay for what I want, but a lot of people had trouble with that for what you want. And I tell people too, don't pay for what you don't want. Cause a lot of times we're talked into, oh, you should get this, or You should go on this trip or something. And if you don't go where you don't want to go. If you don't buy what you don't need or you don't want, it sounds simple, but when you know want something, then don't be afraid to pay for it. Echoing on number 11, I get good value for my time. So that's important.
I remember, I think my first adult decision, I was in ninth grade and I saw this mad magazine, four frame comic with no dialogue, but the boss is yelling at this man, employee. The man goes home and yells at the wife. The wife yells at the little boy and the last frame, the little boy's yelling at the dog. And I said, this is ridiculous. I'm not going to be part of this comic book. The bad stops with me. I'm not going to be a chain of some yelling energy. Now I was in ninth grade and that was my first adult decision. So the bad stops with me, I will not, so I will circulate a compliment, but I will not say, oh, do you know what he said about you? He said, you were a jerk. Right. The bad stops with me. I'm not going to be somebody's messenger boy for their evil negative words.
13, I got this from a buddy. He, he's as a salesman. He says, everyone I meet benefits from the experience. And I thought, oh, that's something I never forgot that. And that means it could just be a good word or a recommendation of a book or me. I was giving out bond CDs. Nice. I'm always early for meetings. That speaks for itself. When you're early, when you're there, when the person comes to meet, especially if you're meeting at a hotel lobby or a bus stop or a train station. It's just great when the person comes and you're standing there. It's the respect, Hey, I want to meet, whether it's business or your bond girl or whatever. It's just respect and it gives you some power, but you're on time and organized. Well, it
Drew (01:04:11):
Definitely helps your reputation.
Paul (01:04:14):
Yeah. Yeah. I was surprised. This lady that I'd only known for three years met business and then she said, oh, you got to talk. She told one of her friends, you got to talk to Paul about this business. So the girl called and said, Hey, Paul's not here. And the lady said, you're in the wrong place. Paul's always there. And indeed
Drew (01:04:36):
That's awesome.
Paul (01:04:36):
And she didn't say, well, did you look around or What's the place? She just says, flat out, you're in the wrong place. Cause I was always early and always there. And indeed she was in the wrong place and found me. Okay. 15, I edit out negative verbalizations. That's an echo of another one. But bear's repeating, you know, have negative things in your brain and before they reach your lips, you have control to edit 'em out. It's not going to do you any good if the complaint or getting out your frustration. I mean, just people, why did I say that? Well have, there's a split second from your brain to your lips where you have control,
Drew (01:05:20):
Paul (01:05:20):
On the job. I'm always professional. A lot of people think about that. I'm tired, I'm hungry. You know, professional, a job is where you make your money. It doesn't necessarily have to fulfill you emotionally. That's other things. And if you get a job that fulfills you emotionally, that's good. But some jobs are there to make money. So I worked all these side jobs, laying carpet with my good buddies and working at different places. And I was professional. I did 'em for money. So yeah, 17. I'm constantly learning by reading one book a week, Sean Connery, when he accepted his lifetime achievement award. He says, the only reason I'm here is because I learned to read at age three. I'm searching of it.
Drew (01:06:17):
Wow. Yeah, that's a great quote.
Paul (01:06:21):
Bur Lancaster, he read a book, a book a day. He said he tried to get through a book a day. Wow. But 52 books, 52 books a year, 500 books in 10 years is going to impact your life. Even Shelly Winters recently, I heard her talk about she was always hanging out with novelists at the studio commissary. And she says, when you read and learn things, it changes your acting. It changes your face. So reading, then you choose any subject, you choose a subject. And it could be an audiobook too. So, ok, I tip freely like bond. And as we talked about, some people have, I'm still talking to people about that where they see people just don't want to tip. They don't want to pick up the bill either.
Drew (01:07:10):
Well, it's sad because I talked to a Uber driver on the way into Philadelphia and I asked him, I mean, I always tip whenever I would get on the app, I would always do it through the app. But I said, how often do you not get tips? And he said, I don't get tips a whole lot more than I get tips. And I just thought, it's so sad to hear that because these guys aren't making a ton of money off of their, they're putting the wear and tear on their cars. They're not making a ton of money through doing this. Some people just do it for the love of talking to people and having something to do. And so those tips are where they're going to end up making that little extra bit of cash that makes it worth it for them to keep doing it. So it's sad to hear that people are not that free with their money to do that.
Paul (01:08:04):
Yeah. Yeah. That's endless stories. My dad had a lot of cheap stories about friends. He met a friend that he'd see every three months. Three of them would get together and the guy said, oh, I forgot my wallet. I'll get it next time. And father paid. Then my father told the other guy, I think the guy didn't have his wallet the last time. And the guy said, guy said, Gus, the guy's never had his wallet for four years.
Drew (01:08:33):
Years. Oh man, he doesn't get that cold chill I got at Waffle House. He's got friends that came back, never
Paul (01:08:40):
Had it. Yeah. And this was the guy who was in the stock market and he was always bragging how much money he made on the stock market, yet he always forgot all. So yeah, that's something my quickly, my favorite story. My dad was on a trip with a guy who said indeed retired with a million dollars because he was a mechanic, but the steel mill had this savings stock thing. You know how those goes. And he retired with a million bucks and he said, but I don't need it. And I'm thinking, boy, he lacks imagination,
Drew (01:09:12):
Paul (01:09:13):
He's on a trip with my dad and the guy pulled out an ice cream and my dad was at the checkout, the convenience store checkout stand. And he said, Hey Bill, I'll buy you ice cream. He says, oh, okay. And the guy put back the ice cream, the cheap ice cream, and he pulled out the hog and doss. Oh
Drew (01:09:32):
Wow. Ugh. That's crazy. That's the ultimate cheap guy. Here's one.
Paul (01:09:39):
Yeah. Well there's cheap. But here's the thing. How many times is somebody going to ask, going to tell him, I'll buy your ice cream? When does that happen? Once, twice. This means that guy will never buy himself a hogg and dos that he wants. I felt sorry for him because he'll never buy. He grabbed the cheap one because he's paying for it. Even though he's got a million dollars that he doesn't need, he won. That's why the James Bond lifestyle, I don't mind paying for what I want. The guy, the millionaire will not buy himself a haggendos.
Drew (01:10:18):
That's crazy.
Paul (01:10:19):
So wow. Some kind of deep psychological thing that I don't know about.
Okay, let's see. Where were we at? I tip freely, like bond number 19, I had a friend in our late twenties, I would always drive. And then another mutual friend, he would always drive going to the movies or whatever. This guy would rarely drive, but when he did, he'd say, I'll drive. Because he felt it was finally his turn. But he said, we have to go to the gas station first. And my buddy buddy Ron, every time, Rick, we got to go to the gas station. He says, geez, we just go to a movie. We just get in the car and go. And always remembered that. And so that's why 19, my car is clean, filled up with gas and ready to go. I mean, how many times you get in the guy's car and he is got junk in the backseat, right in the drunk, in the passenger seat.
Drew (01:11:15):
I don't think I've ever seen James Bond pull a Burger King bag out of the side seat to let somebody in.
Paul (01:11:22):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. In fact, that Brick is an ex-friend. I was involved in him cause of a three year movie, but he was the Ant anti James Bond. So it was like, look at this guy Rick, and do the opposite. And you're living the James Bond
Drew (01:11:38):
Paul (01:11:40):
Nice. Which that joke of nobody's completely useless. They can always serve as a bad example.
Drew (01:11:48):
Awesome. Yep.
Paul (01:11:50):
Okay, number one, number 20, I rent what I want and take mental possession of it. That's one of the big things. Mark Raymont, my success teacher, talked about taking mental possession. If you can't afford, having a second house is great, but you can make hotels all over the world. In America, your second house, just rent it. And when you're there, it's yours. And I've gone to cabins with my parents. They'd rent a cabin and it was a lot of fun when I was a kid and we'd carry in boxes of soap and scrubbers and dish soap and towels and we'd carry, that was all fun. But when you're older and you got your bond girl, you in go to a hotel and they got towels and they got soap and they got shampoo. And if the window's broken, you don't have to fix it. You just ask for another room. Right? Yeah. So same thing with a boat. Jesus, they say a boat odor. His hap two happiest days when he buys it and when he sells it.
Drew (01:13:02):
Yeah, I totally agree with you on that. I think of that idea of having to go on a trip and the first thing you have to do is figure out what work you need to do to be able to enjoy your trip because you got to clean a place up or clear out from whatever the last person left behind or whatever. I mean just
Paul (01:13:24):
And taking mental possession, I mean, just that idea. And it was interesting when I started talking, even Japan, I had some classes and women love that idea. If you don't have to own, but men want that pride of ownership. So men have all they argued, no, it's best to have a second house. Yeah. Yeah. Get your second house. If you can get your third house, that's great. But take men, women love it. Cause it's the men, especially in Japan, it's the men that want 'em to clean up the house and have that then have that pride of ownership. Then that brings us back to the last role to echo. I never run out of cash. Nice. 21.
Drew (01:14:06):
Awesome. Well, I tell you, Paul, you've been with your time today and giving us your insights on not only travel, but also talking about your fantastic career and all. I mean, you're inspiring to us in terms of, you started out with a dream early on and you have just kept on moving and moving and moving. And the quality of your new movie and the awards that you're getting for it right now, I think show that all of this pays off in the end if you do it the right way. So I definitely
Paul (01:14:40):
Appreciate you. Yeah, thank you.
Drew (01:14:42):
I definitely appreciate you being on the show. And oh, what's up next for you? Do you have another project in mind or kind of relaxing and enjoying this one?
Paul (01:14:54):
No, I'm more ambitious than ever with the excitement of my new movie. And immediately when I returned from Seattle and getting the movie out, besides marketing on the internet, I wrote up the sequel. I was trying to think of another story. And I do have my other novels that could be screenplays. But I found out this genre science fiction, mystery, thriller, erotic type of thing is with, as you pointed out, the weird action that explodes and the knife hits the lens. That's the stuff I do best. It's the stuff I write best and I'm going to do a sequel. Awesome. As you saw, a lot of people are asking for a sequel. They said, oh my god, I got to have a sequel.
Drew (01:15:37):
Well, it does feel like it needs one. Yeah.
Paul (01:15:41):
So I mean it does end, but it's open. And so I wanted to do a sequel. And again, the challenge of getting the money back from the first movie and fast enough to make it in Seattle before it starts raining again. So as ambitious and excited and about James Bond lifestyle and Hilton Hotels. So no, that's daily marketing. I'm energized by our interview today. I'm energized.
Drew (01:16:14):
So I, I've only started on my James Bond travels and there's so much of, again, I just go back and reread your book and it's great on audio because you can just pop it in and listen to it anywhere you go. And it's sectioned off very nicely so that if I want to just focus on the hotels, I can go focus on the hotels. Or if I need a little inspiration on keeping my base of operations neat and organized, then I can just go back to that particular section of the book. So again, I think it's worthwhile for anybody to pick that up and deep dive into it and learn a lot and pick the best out of this thing we call the James Bond lifestyle and sort of make it your own. Right?
Paul (01:17:03):
Yeah, I'm still working on that. In fact, I played the most of Specter movie yesterday to be energized. And I'll tell you, I told you the story about having to fly that first class with that special separate seat, $5,000. And I, I'd like to be able to fly like that all the time, but that takes even another bigger step up, spend that kind of money or have to justify it with a, it depends how many times you fly. I don't fly twice a year anymore, nor would I do that. Cause you can use that money elsewhere. But I wouldn't mind getting up to that level. But I'm very ambitious and positively ambitious, growing. We're always trying to do bigger better and be more creative, write a better book or there's all of us. I'm in the perfect condominium situation in Japan with the view of Mount Fuji out the window. Wow. So that's taken care of. But some of us want to move up to a different apartment and then once you get to that apartment, there's always another one or a new situation or travel or location. So we're all trying to expand, make more money, have more free time. So no, I'm as ambitious as ever.
Drew (01:18:28):
Well, I hope some, I would love to have done this interview in person and gotten a chance to see Tokyo as well. That's one of those places on my bucket list. So hope, hopefully one of these days I will get out in that direction. Then hope to hear about your new movie when that time comes. And lots of success and a lot of awards like you're, like you're gathering now.
Paul (01:18:53):
Well, thanks. I have a special day tour that I take all my friends on and even acquaintances and even some of the actors from Forbidden Power came here. So if you're here, drew, I got a special secret tour where you'll actually see a full size Godzilla and go up to the mountain and everything. Oh man. So let me know. Seriously, seriously, let me know when you get here, when, let me know when you plan to come here.
Drew (01:19:19):
That is awesome. That is awesome. Japan, through your eyes, you have a love affair with Japan it sounds like. So that would be special.
Paul (01:19:27):
Yeah, I really enjoyed it. I love California. I love America Driving through America daily lifestyle in Japan I really like because the trains come every five minutes and they go everywhere. So I like to drive, but in the city, I mean it's just fast, faster to get there by train and you see a movie and instead of driving out of a parking structure and getting money to pay the parking and being safe and not hitting anybody, you walk out of the movie theater, jump on the train and think about the movie. Nice. So daily lifestyle is good here. Yeah, now. But now you can do that with Uber, right? I've done that with Uber. You go to a movie, even though I have a rental car, but in the city I use Uber. Go to a movie, call Uber and jump in the car
Drew (01:20:11):
And pass that little tip over the seat.
Paul (01:20:15):
That's it. Always.
Drew (01:20:17):
All right, perfect. Well, thank you very much Paul. I appreciate it and I hope everybody got a bunch out of this and goes and checks out your book. And I'm going to put all of the information that we talked about in the show notes so everybody can go out and check that out and find out more about you and how to watch your movies and listen to your audio books and all the rest. So again, continued success to you, Paul, and I appreciate you so much for being on the show.
Paul (01:20:45):
Okay, thanks Drew. It's been a great experience.
Drew (01:20:49):
I hope you found some great information in there. Some words to live by and head out to the show notes page of travel fuels Look for episode nine B. And there you'll find a video that reminds you of those 21 Rules of Living, the James Bond lifestyle. And also we have a link to his current movie, forbidden Power on Amazon and Vimeo, and the Kindle version of How to Live the James Bond Lifestyle Specter Edition. So check that out. And you'll also find his Bond Life website as well. Tons of other stuff that James Bond mixology book is out there, so on and so forth. So check it slash podcasts, episode nine B. And if you want to keep up with me, make sure you like and follow me on fuels life or fuels life, constantly posting pictures out there, all those places that I travel to and maybe I can inspire you to hit some places that Bond would go to like Monte Carlo or Las Vegas, or I actually have a couple of blog posts up on the site about the places that I visited that were in the movie Casino Royale.
So check that out. It's all on travel fuels and maybe you can start practicing traveling like James Bond. And until next time, have a great week. Safe travels and thanks for listening to Travel Fuels Life.